Forum: Multi-Language Add-In for Visual Studio

VS2008 Windows 7 non admin

Hi Phil,

Once again I need to localise my software and I am looking forward in trying out your latest version!

I got a problem however. It seems that I cannot get the addin working.

Enabling the addin had to be done manual after starting VS2008 as an admin (its policy in our company to not run as an admin). If you are not running VS as an admin the checkboxes will be greyed out

So I managed to enable it but after I conform the dialog I get

It seems I have to wait a bit longer before seeing your new version :-(

Regards, Tom

Hi Phil,

The system is 64bit

Regards, Tom

Another update

I tried to install the latest version of the addon on my local pc, VS2008 64bit Vista running as admin, and I get the same error message (!).

My assumptions was that the problem was cause by how my windows 7 is configured at the office and running under restricted privileges.

Now I think there is something more going on. Can you test the latest build you offer at the site Phil?

Thanks, Tom

I tested out an older version available on the download page and this one seems to work

Version 4.60 for Visual Studio 2005/2008 (4.60.0050).



sorry, I haven't had time to look at this today, but I will definitely look at it in the next few days. Installation problems are really important to me, because it is very difficult to test the installation under all different conditions.

The latest version uses the SQL Server Compact edition for the global database, whereas the older version uses an Access database. It should download and install SQL Server Compact edition automatically (if it is not already installed), but that might have failed. I'm not sure whether this missing dependency would stop the Add-In from loading.

The Add-In has to be registered using RegAsm /codebase. If that failed, it would definitely stop the Add-In from loading, but I see no reason why this would fail for the latest version and succeed for the older one.

If the problem is related to the 64 bit version, then it will take me a little longer to test it. I will have to install a 64 bit version of vista on a separate hard disk.



Hi Tom,

I have just had an idea.

The installation downloads and installs SQL Server Compact edition automatically (if necessary), but it always downloads the 32 bit version. I don't know if this would be a problem, but there is a 64 bit version as well.

The download page is

The 32 bit download file is

The 64 bit download file is

Downloading and installing the 64 bit version by hand might help. However, my installation checks for the specific product code UUID of the 32 bit version, so it would probably still want to download and install the 32 bit version. I will look into this.


Hi Phil,

I have done some more test and the OS is irrelant and think it could be related to a 64 bit issue. I have no 32 machines in my space anymore so I cannot confirm this.

I installed SQL Server CE 64 bit from the link you provided (although it was already installed a few months ago on my PC) but I get the same error message when VS 2008 starts up.

Looking forward to your findings,

Regards, Tom


Hi Tom,

I have setup a test system with a 64 bit version of Vista and I can reproduce the problem. I hope to fix in in the next one or two days.


Thanks for the update Phil.

I used the older version and it works great. I did not use it on our live project since it creates dummy, that is empty, resource files for all of the aspx'es even if I didn't localise strings.

I think this is as expected but the result is the creation of about 300 * 4 (2 neutral languages + 2 specific) files that don't contribute to the working of the live site. I will wait for the latest 64bit version and see if it works differently on this regard.

Thanks, Tom


Hi Tom,

can you try out the latest version (4.65.0037)?

There are two ways to register an Add-In for visual studio:

  • (old) by creating some registry entries or
  • (new) by copying an XML file to a particular directory.

The old method also requires that the AddIn by visible for COM interop and that it be registered using RegAsm /codebase.

The XML method was introduced with VS 2005, but since the old method still worked, I never bothered to change over. Until now. For me, it seems to have fixed the problem with Vista 64.

I haven't changed anything with SQL server compact. Since my Add-In and also Visual Studio are 32 bit code, it is probably correct to use the 32 bit version of SQL server compact.

I haven't looked at the problem of empty .resx files, but I will try to fix it very soon.

Best regards

Hi Phil,

I tried it on my 64bit home pc and it works now where it previously fails.

Nice job!

The next time when at my client (Monday probably) I will give it a go and give a repro of the empty .resx files if you cannot reproduce it.

off topic, will create a new forum post if we need to elaborate

1. I read that in v4.65.0016 you wrote "Immediate updates to .resx files" and see that in the GUI there is still the option to generate them

Is it still necessary to click this generate menu item after one has made the translations?

2. Some errors were thrown when doing my late night testing (haven't investigated further)

FYI There is a problem reporting the error

I have sent you the email manualy

Regards, Tom


Hi Tom,

I have just uploaded a new version (4.65.0038) which:

  • should not generate unnecessary .resx files
  • will create the directory App_LocalResources if it does not exist
    (it did this already if you exported the resources explicitly, but not when it saved them automatically)
  • truncates the command line to send an email to 2000 characters

The command to export the texts to .resx files is still available, but it should not be necessary. It would be consistent to remove this command completely, but I am still worried that I might have forgotten some important case.

I think that the error sending an email is because the command line is too long. I use ShellExecute with a mailto command, and pass the complete message as a command line. This has some disadvantages (you can't attach files) but it works with any mail client.


Thank you for your great support. I will give the new build a go next Monday I hope

It works as expected.

The plain excel export came in very handy today as my client had troubles with the macros.

Regards, Tom