Forum: Multi-Language Add-In for Visual Studio

"Microsoft ResX Schema" yada yada...

Just wondering why all resx files come with this comment? It's especially puzzling since VS itself warns us upon editing that we should not tamper with resx files and use a designer instead! So:
1) Which tool is creating the comments - I'm guessing some MS GetDefaultResx?
2) Is there any way to disable the offending text that makes my files double the size in many cases? confused

It's mostly a question of housekeeping / "solution hygiene" wink I know that the comment does not make it into dll's...

Oh, and you may wonder why on earth I would be reading resx files and pondering over their contents... It's because we also use ReSharper, and when I launched its "To-do explorer" for the first time today I was greeted with a window full of "Notes". Turns out R# picks up one particular line in the resx comment: "Note - application/ is the format" and treats is as a dev comment!